Blue Flower

For a little over a month now, we've been experiencing a new, more out-spoken Kirsten. One who isn't afraid (unfortunately) to tell her parents to, and I quote, "Shut up!" "Leave me alone!" "Don't tell me what to do!" and my all-time favorite "I'm not your friend!" These expressions are very disappointing and, of course, do not go unpunished. The last one, especially, stings. I know that for now at least, being my daughter's friend is not practical. But moments like this morning make up for all of this. She didn't want to get dressed for school. So I grabbed her and tickled her into submission, standard practice for mornings when she's just a little bit grumpy. While I was standing there holding her, she looked at me with a huge smile and bright eyes and said, "I love you." A spontaneous I love you from your child. It doesn't get much better than that.

I didn't blog yesterday, so I do have several things I wanted to include.

It looks like PC makers are trying to get on the all-in-one bandwagon.

Teachers should take note of this article from Christian Science Monitorabout exploiting their student's internet expertise.