Blue Flower

New York Tells Microsoft to Get It's Butterfly Decals Out of Town (via slashdot)

Quote from same slashdot entry: Latent IT writes "I wish I had a link to submit with this, but strange things are afoot in New York City. At 61st and Broadway, 30-40 guys and gals in butterfly suits colored in the Microsoft colors, and carrying MSN banners just rollerbladed by, screaming at the top of their lungs down the middle of Broadway. Interestingly enough, this took them right near the under construction AOL Time Warner building. It seemed worth jotting down, but they were literally gone and down the street before I could reach my digital camera. (Place all bug on windshield jokes here.)" I'm guessing that this is the suit that he's talking about. Ugh. There goes my appetite for lunch.