Blue Flower

If you're looking for links to news in what's happening in the world today, I'm sorry I've been lacking in that department for a few days. But, there are more important things:

Kirsten was a wealth of hilarity last night, beginning with our trip home. We had planned to go out to eat, and I asked her if that sounded good. She said yes, and then she said—or at least it sounded like she said—"Where are we going to eat." I replied that we were going to eat at Sonny's. She (sounded like she) said, "No, where are we going to eat." Now, she must have been meaning to say something else, because we went back and forth several times. Finally, exasperated, I said, "Kirsten, it sounds like your asking where we're going to eat and I'm telling you we're going to eat at Sonny's." To which she replied, "I KNOW what I said, and I said, where are we going to eat!" I never did figure out what she wanted to know, because I broke out laughing after that comment. She joined in. He...

Then as we were getting ready to leave, I asked her to change shirts. The one she had on was spattered with lunch, and I figured she should have a clean canvas for the dinner spatterings. She brought a new shirt into our bedroom and said to Stan, "Papa, put this on." To which Stan replied, "I don't think it will fit me, baby." You should have seen the look on her face.

Last, but certainly not least, was the lecture I received on the way home. I can't remember exactly what the conversation was, but it ended in Kirsten telling me that I wasn't her friend, and that she wasn't going to give me any candy. I replied that I didn't care.
Kirsten: Mommy, give me alone. (translation, leave me alone.)
Mommy: Why don't you leave _me_ alone.
Kirsten: You're not being a have. (that's pronounced hAv, as in behave.)
So, I'm not being a have. Look out, Kirsten's watching. You should all make sure to be a have.