Blue Flower

So, Anna, where are the pictures of the new baby? Well, they're sitting on my computer waiting to be placed on the site. And I plan to get them up here, too. Of course, I still have thank you cards to write and about 50 boxes left to unpack all before returning to work in just two short weeks. Okay, I know, no excuses.

Anyway, I guess it's time for a family update. Kirsten and Jacob are doing really well. Kirsten thinks that Jacob is her baby. She wants to constantly be holding him, touching him, kissing him, feeding him, etc. She's not only jealous of the time that Jacob spends with us, but also of the time that we spend with Jacob. It's really sweet. She loves him so much. Her teachers at daycare have heard all about Jacob.

Kirsten had her first case of strep throat this weekend. Thursday night she was running a really high fever, so I took her to the dr. Friday morning. Her tonsils were so big that they were touching. Ick. But after 3 days of antibiotics, you'd never even know that she'd been sick.

Jacob is eating like crazy, I think you can actually see him growing. Almost like one of those time-lapse photography things. He goes for his next checkup on Tuesday. I wouldn't be surprised if he had passed 10 lbs and grown an entire inch since the last visit. I'll make sure to update you when we get back from the visit.

Sorry we haven't posted in a while, let me bring you up-to-date.

Our baby boy Jacob arrived June 21st. Our daughter is crazy about him, she's always hugging and kissing him. We had bought her a doll with a changing table and the works but she hasn't touched it since he arrived.

Also, we finally got the new house, talk about coming in under the wire, whew!.

Well I brought you semi up-to-date we'll try to post some pictures of Jacob soon.

Let me remind you all that she's not even 3 years old yet. But when Papa came out of his room this morning to go and wake her up, Kirsten closed her door and jumped back in bed. I guess she wasn't ready to get up yet. She pitched a fit when Papa did pull her out of bed. Isn't that a teenage thing, not a toddler thing?

And she wanted Papa to put her hair up in a pony tail today. I kept looking back at her on the way to school. She looked so grown up and, well, sophisticated. Where's my baby girl?