Blue Flower

Kirsten is officially diaper-free. Monday night we were out on the porch. She said she needed to go potty. I started to get up to go with her when she said, "You stay right here." So I did. A few moments later, she was back to inform me that there was "no paper toilet." So, I went in and put a new roll of "paper toilet" on the dispenser. Kirsten said thanks, and then, "Now go back and sit down." She's not even 3 years old, and I'm already obsolete.

We did spend a nice weekend in NC with the grandparents. Kirsten enjoyed the airplane trips, and she even tolerated all the waiting better than expected. I just wish we could have been there longer than a few days. Things are starting to get pretty easy with her now, just in time for the new baby.

More good news! Kirsten made it through her second day in a row yesterday with dry panties! We're all so excited! It's going to be a lot of work for a while, she seems to want to try every half hour. But, hey, it's better than diapers.

Today is school picture day, so I sent her to school with a 'pretty dress.' She couldn't wait to get it on and fix her hair so that she could look prettiful. So look for proofs on the site in about 2 weeks.

Great news! Yesterday, Kirsten was diaper free ALL DAY!! And she kept her panties dry! I'm so excited. I know it's just the beginning, but starting now, maybe she'll be all done by the time the baby arrives. I don't think I want to deal with two in diapers.

I can't believe I almost forgot to post this: Last night after everyone got home, Kirsten was thirsty and wanted some juice. I think she guzzled that entire box of juice in under a minute. When she was done, she came into the kitchen where I was making dinner. "Mommy, my belly is full." I thought that was weird, and said, "So I guess you don't want any dinner then, huh?" She said she needed dinner. I was a little confused until she let out a tremendous belch. I mean, if I hadn't been standing right beside of her, I would have sworn it was some big guy belching. So I said, "Whoa, I'll bet your belly feels better now!" Kirsten looked down and pushed at her belly a little and said, "One more time." Is that funny or what?

Well, I think Kirsten might finally be starting to understand what's going to happen with the new baby. This morning while I was getting dressed for work, she pointed to my belly and said, "There's a baby in there?" I responded yes, and she said, "Baby is taking a nap." So I decided to follow-up, she was sounding interested. I said, "Yeah, baby is sleeping and growing. And when the baby is big enough, it will come out and you can play with it." Well, she repeated that bit of info, and usually when she repeats something, it means she understands.

Of course, a few minutes later I saw her out of the corner of my eye with her shirt up, she was starting intently at her belly. Hmmmm...


Make sure you check out the family page today, as we've added more pictures of Kirsten. She's such a doll!