Blue Flower

Make sure you check out the really cool change that Stan made to the site yesterday. If you come to the site during the day, you'll see the top banner that you're used to. But if you come at night, well, the banner has a night-time look as well! Yeah yeah, I know, we're really easily amused. But hey, we're web developers, what do you want?

So does anyone want to tell me when the yelling stops? I feel like all I do is yell at Kirsten lately. Well, not really yell, but I'm raising my voice a lot. Yikes. And don't even write me and say, "Oh, in about 15 years."

The annual Junior Achievement Bowl-A-Thon was yesterday. So Stan and I dusted off our bowling balls and shoes and headed to the lanes. We took Kirsten with us. She'd never been to a bowling alley. At first, she saw people throwing balls down the lanes and said, "I wanna' play with the bouncy balls!" I let her try to pick up a ball so she would realize how heavy they were, but she still wanted to try. We'll have to take her for a game of bumper bowling.

She did behave very well for being there almost 3 hours with nothing much to do except people-watch. She was very clingy to me, though. Didn't want me to go up and bowl. But I was really impressed with her behavior. I'm glad we took her.

Well, it's definitely started. Kirsten is now publicly showing her concern about a new baby coming and taking her place in the spotlight. For a couple of weeks now she's been doing little baby noises and things like that. But this morning I found out from her teacher that she's been acting out even more. While she's still playing and active, she cries at the smallest thing, is really grumpy, and is acting like a baby at school as well. She's been really clingling to me a lot lately too.

I actually found a book about second pregnancies. It's great so far. It talks about how the first child reacts, and suggests spending a lot of time with them before the birth. I'm going to give it a try. Wish me luck!

Last night Kirsten and I went grocery shopping. When we got home, I started to put the groceries away. In the meantime, Kirsten went into her room and managed to take off her shoes, socks, pants and diaper, and then put on two pair of panties. (One Blue's Clues, one Winnie the Pooh, in case you're interested.) She came back to the kitchen all proud. I talked her out of one pair and asked her to take it back to her room. She agreed and off she went.

After a while, I began to wonder why it was taking so long to return this pair of panties to her drawer. So, I investigated. The little booger had 3 pair on, and was trying to squeeze on a fourth.

After I talked her back down to one pair (which was not easy) she did pretty well. She actually told me when she needed to go potty! I was so proud. They're trying panties at daycare today, so keep your fingers crossed!

Okay, sorry that I didn't get this posted yesterday. We went for our sonogram. It was a nice long scan, and we discovered that the baby is growing right on schedule and looks very healthy. However, we were not able to determine the sex of the baby. Although we were a little disappointed, we were very happy to learn that the baby is growing well. I guess the Lord wants this to be a surprise. Stan and I both really wanted to know, not because we're rooting strongly either way, but because we're tired of calling the baby it.

I will mention that in the very slight glimpse we got, we saw no little boy parts. The sonographer wanted to lean towards girl, but he just didn't see enough to make a definitive guess. We did get to see some really nice movement. At one point the baby scratched it's head, which was pretty neat looking. And we got to see the 'temper' as well when the baby tried to roll over and got it's foot stuck. Reminded us a lot of Kirsten.

As you may or may not know, Kirsten attends a daycare that is taught by a teacher base that is primarily hispanic. So, she hears (and speaks) a lot of Spanish during the day.

Last night she was having fun with an empty box. She would stand on the box, count, and then jump off. She was having a little trouble counting, though, "1,2,7,8,9,10!" I'm not sure what happened to 3-6, some sort of downsizing I guess.

But then something strange happened. She decided to count in Spanish before one of her jumps. I listened closely as she shouted, "uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinqo, seize, siete, ocho, nueve, dix!" Is that funny or what? She forgets a few numbers every time in English, but she knows them all in Spanish!

Last night Stan noticed Kirsten walking to the kitchen and kind of shaking her rear-end. He asked her where she learned to shake her bottom like that. She replied without pause, "Miss Adelia." Miss Adelia is one of her teachers at school. We all lost it. I had to tell Miss Adelia about this morning. She laughed and told Kirsten that she needed to blame Miss Mildred for that too. Kids are so cute!

You try to teach your kids some manners, and you never really know if they're listening or not. Well, this weekend, we learned that Kirsten has been listening!

Our first example was Saturday morning on the way to church. Kirsten had a case of the hiccups. I almost wet myself...try and imagine, "Hic! Excuse me...hic! excuse me...hic! excuse me..." We were all in stitches.

The second example came yesterday morning as the Home Healthcare nurse was leaving the house after tending to Doris' foot. Just as she was going through the door, Kirsten manages, "Thank you for helping my Grandma!" Is that sweet, or what?